Resources for hotel marketing

Resources for Hoteliers

Here are a comprehensive set of resourses for hotel marketers.

To access the Premium Content resourses on this page you must be a registered user of the Hotel Essence Photography website. On the login page click on the ‘Register’ link just under the login form to register with your chosen username and email address.

Alternatively you may become a registered user with a Crypto Wallet address; such as MetaMask. We support the Unlock-Protocol where we mainain a lock.

First “Click to register for Hotel Essence Photography Premium Content” on the button below. Sign in with a Metamask wallet and your registration is complete. You can add your name and email address if you wish.

Second click the “Procees to checkout to receive Unlock key and NFT”. The free (for now) key grants one months access to Hotel Essence Photography premium content. This transaction will be registered on the Polygon blockchain network and will only require a few cents of ‘gas fee’ to be completed. Here is the bonus, all keys generated in this way are NFT’s. You will own one of the very first round of one hundred Hotel Essence Photography logo NFT’s. They may be a collectors item one day!

Here is a links to the HEP procedure guide
Here is a links to the HEP quality guide

Michelle wishes you all the best for Christmas